Sunday, May 4, 2008

Pregnancy and Birthing Questionnaire

1. What kind of physical preparations did you make for giving birth, if any? For example, breathing exercises, mediation, etc.

2. How often would you go in for check-ups while pregnant?

3. Was this with an obstetrician or a midwife or both?

4. How did you decide which type of assistance during the birthing process you wanted?

5. Where did you go into labor?

6. Where did you give birth?

7. Did you give birth vaginally or by cesarean section?

8. Did you have an epidural?

9. Did you have a birthing plan?

10. Did you encounter any "complications" during your pregnancy or labor?

11. Briefly describe any details about your pregnancy, laboring, and/or birthing process that you find interesting.

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