Monday, May 5, 2008

Friend #2 Answers to Questionnaire

1. I worked with a system called Hypno-Birthing. Every night I would do exercises based in imagery and self-hypnosis (deep relaxation). The exercises originated with different breathing techniques. Also the general idea is to envision an easy painless birth and not to listen to or read about stories that created any fear or tension. So I avoided listening to other people’s birth stories. I also did some work with the Pink Book – which is a series of exercises and birth positions put together by some Australian midwives. It was particularly helpful in finding better positions during labor and finding ones that were best for me even if they were really simple like lying on my side.

2. Once a month during most of the pregnancy and then once a week towards the end. At the very end I went in every three days or so for non-stress tests because I was considered late.

3. I started off with a regular ObGyn and then after I had all of my pre-natal tests complete (I did amnio) then I worked with a midwife for the remainder of my pregnancy.

4. I always knew I wanted a mid-wife. Because of my family history (mainly my mom’s and my twin sister’s) with birthing I knew that I needed more time and less intervention if I was going to have a vaginal birth.

5. I went into labor at home. I self-induced with castor oil – yuck. I wish that I had the patience to wait a few more days, but my baby was already 3 weeks + past my due date.

6. I gave birth at Alta-Bates birthing center and it was fantastic.

7. I had a vaginal birth. But came very close to having a c-section. William was almost 101bs with a big head and I was in labor for 2 days. But it worked out. My doula was amazing. Well worth every cent we paid her. I would not birth without a doula! And my midwife was patient and had great delivery techniques. Lots of oil and great timing.

8. We (myself and my midwife and doula) agreed that an epidural would have increased my chance of having a c-section. So I waited long enough and went through transition and then it was time to push.

9. Yes I did have a birthing plan, but the work with hypno-birthing really teaches you to give yourself over to the birth and not to have too many expectations. I left it open and trusted that the birth was going to go the way it was going to go, rather than putting any absolutes on anything. I was born c-section and had no issue giving birth c-section if that was going to happen. I really worked on positive energy and openness to what was going to happen.

10. No not really other than it took a very long time and I had little relief between contractions. I would say it was more mentally taxing then I had anticipated. But I never felt over-run by the labor. I felt very in the moment and experienced a kind of trance state. I wish it had gone faster but in hind sight my fear is what kept it from progressing faster. So it just took me a while to let myself give over to the birth and to really listen to William. I think he wanted to take his time transitioning into the world as well. So – I am ok that it took so long.

11. I keep thinking about how when I was home I didn’t want to lie on my side because it felt like it really opened me up so much to the birth. I realize now that sitting was my way to control the birthing. If I have another child I will know what to expect more and will give over to the feeling much sooner because it really was about a deep opening and I didn’t need to worry so much about that feeling. Also my training as a dancer is the opposite for birthing. It felt out of control to let myself release. Now that I have done it once I know that my body and my baby would not go against me, that my mind could have taken a back seat sooner. But it all worked out in the end. That is the way it was supposed to be. The pushing was great because then I was able to have some power again and I felt William working with me. The more we worked together the better the pushing went. I actually look back at that moment in the labor and smile because it was so wonderful and it was at the end of two days! I really felt him wanting to come into the world. Oh that is an exciting time. I absolutely was amazed to see William enter the world. I remember deeply the feeling of great accomplishment and exaltation – well worth 10 months of pregnancy.

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